Mám tu niečo pre tých ktorý majú radi raňajky a chcú si ich trocha ozvláštniť alebo čo je ešte lepšie chcú nejako prekvapiť svojich blízkych. Tento "recept" je jednoduchý, vôbec nezaberie dlho času ani nezašpiníte pólku kuchyne.
This time I´ve got here something for breakfast lovers or those who what to change things up a bit or those who want to surprise their loved ones. This "Recipe" is simple, doesn´t take too much time and doen´t make a mess in whole kitchen.
Zdravú chrumkavú ovocnú raňajkovú bombu pripravíme:
We´ll prepare this crunchy, fruity, breakfast bomb:
We´ll prepare this crunchy, fruity, breakfast bomb:
Na suchú rozohriatú panvicu si nasypeme ovsené vločky. Dávkovanie asi tak jedna plná hrsť na osobu. Po necelej minutke môžete pridať ak trocha sezamových, ľanových alebo feniklových semiačok.
Pop your oatmeal into a dry pan. About one big fist full per person. After almost a minute add a bit of sezame seeds or flax or fennel seeds.
Pop your oatmeal into a dry pan. About one big fist full per person. After almost a minute add a bit of sezame seeds or flax or fennel seeds.
Následne pridáme kokosové lupienky. Taktiež hrsť na osobu.
Afterwards add some coconut flakes. Also a fist full per person.
Afterwards add some coconut flakes. Also a fist full per person.
Zmes opekáme do doby kým kokosové lupienky nezačnú hnednúť.
Roast mixture until coconut flakes start to darken /golden .
Roast mixture until coconut flakes start to darken /golden .
Hotovú zmes si rozdelíme na taniere a do panvice si nasypeme čučoriedky. Tie necháme zohriať nie rozvariť. Ak máte kupované a nie domáce tak ich po malej chvíľke keď začnú "tancovať" otočte a potom troška potlačte aby sa jemne uvolnila šťava. Môžete pridať trocha (max jednu polievkovú lyžicu) sladidla- v podobe medu, stévie, javorového sirupu či trstinového cukru.
Poor finished mixture onto plate/s. Add blackberries into the pan. Let them cook but not soften. If you have blackberries from store and not home-grown you might wanna flip them round and press on them to release some juice once they start bubbling round. Then you can add some sweetener - tops one table spoon - honey, stevia, maple syrup or brown sugar.
Poor finished mixture onto plate/s. Add blackberries into the pan. Let them cook but not soften. If you have blackberries from store and not home-grown you might wanna flip them round and press on them to release some juice once they start bubbling round. Then you can add some sweetener - tops one table spoon - honey, stevia, maple syrup or brown sugar.
Medzitým si na vločky dáme obyčajný biely jogurt najlepšie, typu grécky jogurt.
Meanwhile add a yogurt on top of your oatmeal mix, best would be greek style yogurt.
Meanwhile add a yogurt on top of your oatmeal mix, best would be greek style yogurt.
Už len naliať na vrch chutné čučoriedky. Môžete pridať aj nakrájaný banán alebo iné ovocie a pustiť sa do chutných raňajok.
Then just poor your blackberries on top. You can obviously also add some banana or other fruit and then dig in.
Then just poor your blackberries on top. You can obviously also add some banana or other fruit and then dig in.
Stay DeKaLicious!
Stay DeKaLicious!
recipe and photos Ka
editing and translation De
editing and translation De
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