There are days when we all crave after something sweet but at the same time we are in that fruit mood. That is what our "Panana" is great for. We remade simple pancake recipe into something like hot-dogs but with pancake and banana. You are not sure about it? Well just try it and you´ll see what you have been missing on all this time!
Budeš potrebovať / You will need
- 1 vajce / 1 egg
- 1 vanilkový cukor / 1 vanilla sugar
- 3/4 kypriaceho prášku / 3/4 of baking powder
- 1/2 polievkovej lyžice oleja / 1/2 tbl. spoon of oil
- 600 ml mieka / 600 ml of milk
- hl. múka podľa hustoty / flour (depends on consistency)
- banán (množstvo podľa chuti) / banana (amount depends on your taste)
- Čučoriedkový džem / Blueberry jam
Začneme upečením klasických palaciniek. Zmiešaš vajce, cukor, kypr.prášok, olej a mlieko. Vypracuj zmes a pridaj múku. Jej množstvo záleží od hustoty zmesi. Múku pridávate pokým sa cesto nelepí na prst no musí odkvapkávať. V prípade, že sa vám zdá byť cesto príliš husté prilejte trochu mlieka.
Po upečení palaciniek si prichystáme džem a banán. Banán môžme nakrojiť na menší kus, no môže zostať aj v celosti- záleží od vašej chuti. Palacinku natrieme džemom a položíme doprostred banán. Potom palacinku jednoducho zrolujeme a konzumujeme.
Dobrú chuť!
You want to start by baking simple pancakes. You´ll mix eggs, sugar, baking powder, oil and milk. Then after you mixed them together you start adding a flour. Amount of flour depends on consistency. Your mixture has to stick to your finger but it still needs to keep dripping down. In case it gets too thick you want to add some milk.
After baking those pancakes you prepare jam and banana. Spread jam all over the pancake and then add banana -that you can either keep simple size or slice into smaller pieces. Then you just simply wrap it up and you are ready to eat.
Bon Apetit!
Tak jednoduché a zároveň chutné!
So simple yet so delicious!
Until next time.... Stay DeKaLicious!
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